Sunday, 29 June 2014

X men: Days of Future Past

Hugh Jackman is in the future and likes to keep esteemed company in Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen. In the future there are these robots who like to kill Hughs friends and frankly they are all sick of it. Ellen Page is there also and for some reason is now able to send people back in time by wiggling her fingers a little near their temples. They send Hugh back to the 70's so that he can try to stop the robots from being created by Peter Dinklage. In the 70's he meets younger versions of Pat and Ian in the form of James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. They're not mates in the 70's because Fassbender is a bit of a fanatical arsehole and McAvoy is a self righteous borderline alcoholic. Hugh has to convince them to help him stop Jennifer Lawrence and subsequently Mr Dinklage. Future and past then flitter away together and everybody seems to forget the basic principles of time travel.

Its no secret that I love my superhero movies and always go into new ones with a heart full of good will. That being said we have to be honest here and say that Xmen films have been very hit and miss with the high point of X2 and the low point of wolverine origins. Even so my eyes were wide and the edge of my seat well and truly planted upon as the film began to start. I will begin by saying that I wasn't disappointed, at all. The acting is top notch and everybody brings their slightly overacting A game. We are flooded with well established and well known characters from across the previous films and treated to some brilliant new ones, in particular Peter Dinklage as the creator of the sentinels and the absolutely brilliant Quicksilver, who by the way could have ended the entire problem on his own in about 5 minutes, just saying. Having the bulk of the film in the 70's worked very well with us learning a little more about the motivations of each of the characters. Admittedly if you have not seen any or all of the previous films you will not have a clue what is going on or frankly who the hell anyone is but if you come into this with no prior knowledge then you don't deserve to know, so shut up and get on netflix or something. My only real problem with the film is my problem with most time travel based films in that it doesn't completely make sense. I won't say why it doesn't make sense (like how is Patrick even alive in the future when Famke Jansen offed him a long time ago) but you will notice a few holes. Despite that minor flaw it is a great addition to the superhero genre.

Verdict: 4/5 

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