There are these two little girls who live in Scandinavia somewhere. One of them likes snow and the other can create it from her hands and make snow mounds and indoor ice skating rinks. Icy girl gets a little enthusiastic and her parents tell her to pack it in and start acting normal for Christ's sake. She listens and stops being friends with the other girl and eventually they grow up and their parents cark it. Icy girl then goes a bit 'white witch from Narnia' when she finds out her sis is a bit impulsive when it comes to love and ends up making the whole world wintertastic. Its then up to non icy girl, a talking snowman, an extremely blonde man and his overly friendly reindeer to save the day and get summer back.
Disney probably have the most extensive back log of films of any major production company, not only that but they very rarely create anything that can be considered poor, well mainstream films anyhow. I am very happy to say that they keep that ball well and truly off the ground with this offering. First and foremost it is stunning to look at with gorgeous animation and a real attention to detail that shines through. The characters are inventive but have a comfortable feeling of familiarity about them. The two sisters who are the focus of the story are cleverly handled and their relationship ebbs and flows throughout the film. It is refreshing also that Disney shy away from, and even poke fun at, their habit of having characters fall in love after 30 seconds of knowing one another and instead choose to base the film on the love between siblings instead. The support characters also hold their own being both funny and entertaining, in particular Olaf the snowman needs special mention as he is brilliant. Choosing to have a snowman who wants nothing more than to bask in the summer sun is simple and genius in equal measure. Last but not least I should mention the soundtrack which true to Disney form is ace and I give it 30 minutes post film before you start telling your family at a very high volume to let it go. Absolutely fantastic.
Verdict: 5/5
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