Thursday, 6 November 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

Matthew McConaughey is a rootin' tootin' bull riding cowboy in the 80's (I think) who loves nothing more than whisky and unprotected sex with hookers. He starts to feel a bit peeky one day and ends up in hospital with a diagnosis of AIDS. He does not take this well and starts kicking off about not being gay and all of that 80's I'm a real man nonsense. He is given a somewhat guarded prognosis and as a result chucks as much money as he can at finding treatments. Jennifer Garner is his doctor and gets him on AZT which does not do too much. Matthew decides he would rather listen to a doctor who now practices in Mexico due to being struck off instead of Jennifer and actually strikes a bit of luck. He then sets up a business with a cross dressing Jared Leto selling these new treatments to other similarly affected individuals.

Like most people I had heard a lot of very good things about this film. The McConnaisance is very much still upon us and the story being told is as true as they come. I am more than happy to report then that this film hits every nail squarely on the head. The story is a tragic and almost unbelievable one and is told beautifully. Jared Leto is unrecognisable as the cross dressing Rayon and puts in a flawless performance. Jennifer Garner is also at her best in her role and the rest of the support cast even to the smallest part are spot on. With all of that however this is McConaugheys film. He is an absolute powerhouse in the lead role and continues to bash out performance after performance cementing him as my favourite actor of current times. He looks awful as the disease ravaged Ron Woodroof and is as far from the romcom Matthew of the late 90's early 00's as he could possibly be. There are probably many other actors who could have performed this role well but I strongly believe that nobody could have done it like McConaughey and nobody could have pulled you in and made you feel every moment the way that he did. I was sufficiently blown away and he firmly deserved his best actor Oscar. You have to watch this film for so many reasons. Loved it.

Verdict: A most comfortable 5/5

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