Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Film review: The Hunt

Mads Mikelson (apologies for spelling) is a nursery school teacher who just loves kids. He plays games with them, tells them stories and generally runs around acting the tit with them. He then gets accused of being a little too fond of them and ends up in a right ol' pile of poo poo. Once here he finds out who believes him and who doesn't and has to try and clear his dirty dirty name.

Before seeing this film I had heard a lot of very good things about it. Some reviewers were even heralding it as one of the best films of recent times and safe to say it doesn't fall far short of that accolade. The story is pretty uncomplicated but this is no bad thing with the story hinging on a simple premise, what would people do if someone they knew was accused of something awful. Mads central performance is outstanding and genuinely one of the best pieces of acting I have ever seen. The standard does not drop with the support cast either, especially the children who are excellent. It is not an easy watch but then it is not meant to be and does not shy away from the difficult aspects of the subject matter. It is cleverly written and hooks you right from the start and for all those who say that subtitled films are not worth watching I say stop being a tit and suck it up, you have no idea what you are missing. Honestly you would be hard pushed to find a better film.

Verdict: 5/5

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