Friday, 7 June 2013

Film review: Frankenweenie

A small boy has a dog. He has no friends but has a dog. He runs around with this dog doing science and filming toys when all of a sudden the dog gets hit by a car. The boy then thinks that plugging his dog into the mains is a sensible thing to do and turns out it works. The dog is then dead but not dead and many monster movie in jokes and references pop up and the dog runs around scaring people. Then some funny looking fat guy tries to burn the dog and probably the child. Good thing everybody is made out of plastecine or some other art and/or craft.

Even without prior knowledge you will know who made this film right from the opening scene. It is so completely Tim Burton it may as well be getting its end away with Helena Bonham Whatsherface. This is by no means a bad thing as Tim has a certain way with animation that personally I rather enjoy. The great thing about this film is it has so many references to old horror films that are subtle and obvious in equal measure. I am not the biggest horror film fan but I can appreciate the thought and effort that has gone into this film. The story is a sweet one and gets your cockles well and truly warmed whilst remaining entertaining. It is by no means Tims best and is by no means the best animated film you will see but if you like dogs/horror/animation/Tim Burton, delete where applicable, you will have a good enough time. Not the longest review I know but I have said all I want so back off.

Verdict: 3.5/5

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