Thursday, 16 May 2013

Film review: The Sapphires

Four Aussie aborigine women whose names I do not know and cannot be bothered to look up like to sing to  white people in crappy bars in the 70s, maybe 60s, wait when was Vietnam??? At one of those crappy bars they meet the guy from the IT crowd, the irish one not the fuzzy haired one, who plays the piano and loves soul music. The girls then convince him to become their manager and to go and sing to american soldiers in Vietnam to boost their spirits. They argue about who is the lead singer but quickly realise it is the one who can mime the best and off to Vietnam they go. Here they learn that family and love are more important than colour and the Vietcong and try their damndest to warm our cockles with their irreverant comedic talents.

On paper and on trailer this film had quite a bit of promise. Everybody loves an underdog story especially those that involve women with attitude and a bit of spunk, the american kind not the reproductive cell carrying kind and from that point of view the film is not too bad. Unfortunately the film does not deliver on its earlier promise. Yes there are funny bits, yes the music is great but beyond that I was bored. The story moves along a little too quickly and does not bring anything we haven't seen before, black women trying to make it in a white world via music, I give you Dreamgirls; love that blossoms despite initial reservations, I give you any romcom; family disputes that resolve through hard times, I give you any episode of Eastenders. What I am trying to say its it has all been done before, which in itself is not a dreadful thing as long as the film does it well. This film however is just meh in all forms of the word.

Verdict: 2.5/5

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