Friday, 8 March 2013

Film review: The Bourne Legacy

Bourne is back but he isn't Bourne he's some other dude. This other dude is Hawkeye from Avengers who is a little bit addicted to blue and green tictacs and likes hanging out in the woods with other dudes who also love a bit of pill popping. Rachel Weisz turns up as a scientist who does some naughty testing on army men but no-one really knows why any of this nonsense is occurring other than Edward Norton who pops up every now and again to not bother explaining anything. Hawkeye then runs around a lot with Rachel giving lots of people a right old thrashing, don't worry though most of them deserve it, although worryingly some don't.

The original three Bourne films are brilliant, fact. There is however a problem with this fact in that every bloody action film following it had to have 'The New Bourne' or 'Its Bourne meets The Matrix' plastered all over it. Due to this, to be honest, well deserved attention some clever pup decided to make a fourth film, this pup, however, was not clever enough to actually make a good film. I must just say that this as a film is not that bad but it has two fatal flaws. One is that it decided to stick itself to the Bourne trilogy and to do this it keeps playing random clips and snippets from Ultimatum throughout that don't actually fit in all that well. It could be argued that the idea behind this film, super soldiers hooked on pills, is a very good one and would have made a great standalone film. Herein lies the second problem in that if it was a standalone film then people would have constantly been saying 'well thats just copying Bourne'. This leaves the film sort of hovering loosely between Bourne and its own story and it never really settles anywhere long enough for a coherent story to develop. Its a real shame as I love the premise, love Jeremy Renner and his supportings and really liked the start of the film. I can't honestly say I didn't like the film but I also can't say I loved it. Ultimately I don't think its a bad stab and can sort of see what they were trying to do with it, the ending comes out of nowhere though which did jump up on me pretty sharpish.

Verdict: 3/5

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