Thursday, 17 January 2013

Film review: Les Miserables

Wolverine and Maximus Decimus Meridius put down their weapons and pick up a song sheet to go head to head in the most almighty sing off in history. One is a french guy who is nice but breaks the law and the other is another french guy who upholds the law but is a bit of a spanner. Throughout their little tete et tete years and supporting characters fly by. Anne Hathaway pops up to do her best SuBo impression and Amanda Seyfried steps in to slightly annoy. All of this leads to La Revolution and some young whipper snappers try to take on the entirety of the Parisian law enforcement. Many memorable songs are crammed into the action and we all learn why it isn't great to be a prostitute in france.

Sara, my girlfriend for those who don't know, is genuinely obsessed with Les Miserables. She has seen the stage show 3 or 4 times, has the album constantly on in the car and provides the soundtrack to her own life using the majority of the songs, I on the other hand am the complete opposite. I have never seen the show, have never heard the majority of the songs and thought SuBo had found herself a genuinely original new pop song for the new millenium. Due to these reasons when we heard there was to be a film made me and Sara had slighlty polarised opinions, me less than bothered and Sara more excited than a child on christmas morning, or herself on christmas morning for that matter. Despite these differences in enthusiasm I was interested in seeing the film but did not expect to completely love it as much as I did. It was genuinely one of the most emotionally powerful things I have seen. The music is brilliant and very cleverly written and the fact that the entire dialogue is sung doesn't bother me in the slightest. The characters, aside from Amanda Seyfrieds, Sacha Baron Cohens and Helena Bonham Carters, are expertly crafted and all have their own problems and mountains to conquer. Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean is outstanding, Anne Hathaway is also at the very top of her game and despite what a lot of people are saying I really liked Russell Crowe and thought he gave it some serious welly. I am not afraid to admit I cried twice in this film, I won't say when but if you do not cry then you are dead inside, fact. All thats left to say is this film is brilliant, go see it and get yourself all cultured and stuff.

Verdict: 5/5

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