Thor grabs four of his mates, bundles them in a van and heads off to his cousins cabin, yeh you guessed it, in the woods. Along the drive we learn a little about each of them and realise that they may be heading towards something less than good for their health. Once at the cabin a generic turn of events occurs that lead to some nastiness befalling each of them. That is half of the film. The other half I wont say much about as it will give a lot away but there is an ever so slightly odd sub story.
Unfortunately there isn't much more I can say about the storyline without giving a hell of a lot away. This film is directed by Joss Whedon of Buffy and The Avengers fame and it has his style stamped all over it. For a start despite sort of being a horror it is pretty funny in places. Joss certainly knows how to throw comedy into all situations, the only problem in this situation is it kind of takes the horror side of things out of. I don't think this was unintentional as the whole film feels more like a comedy than a horror but to be honest I would have preferred it the other way around. Sam Raimi has shown on numerous occasions that horror can still be horror even with comedy elements in it. The 'sub story' is actually reasonably interesting but in my opinion they lay their cards on the table too early and this ruins it slightly. Ultimately I wasn't scared in the slightest and the entertainment/comedy was not enough to keep me fully interested. I did persevere however if only to reach the explanation phase of the film and even then I was a little disappointed and found myself falling through rather large plotholes along the way. Could, and should, have been better.
Verdict: 2/5
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