Saturday, 7 September 2013

Film review: G.I.Joe: I wanna say retaliation?......o well it's something

Channing Tatum returns with his ragtag band of muscle bound soldiers to fight more unbelievably bad bad guys. O wow look Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson has a big gun and is shooting some stuff and there's a Japanese guy in a mask, who to be honest could in reality be a fish for all we know as he never removes the bloody thing, who likes cutting people. Channing takes these people and some others and fights a guy with plastic surgery related issues who wants to take over the world by using exploding motorbikes and somesuch. Things start to go a tad wrong for Channings crew until Bruce 'yippee-ki-ay' Willis turns up and joins Dwayne in the act of kickin some serious ass.

Ok to start off this review I would like to say that the first GIJoe film was an absolute puddle of horse piss, which did not set the sequel up for a warm welcome. To my surprise then I didn't hate it and actually found myself quite enjoying some of it. Yes I know it won't win any awards and yes I know in reality it is mindless drivel but we all need some mindless drivel once in a while. The reason this film worked when the first didn't is because it is well aware that no one expects it to be amazing. It is a film made for boys who like fighting and guns and guess what it is full of fighting and guns. The Rock is on fine form and smashes his way through both walls and ridiculously cheesy dialogue and the rest of the cast also seem to be having a lot of harmless fun with these ridiculous characters. The first film helps this one in slamming our expectations through the floor meaning that because I didn't want to use a Bunsen burner on my eyeballs after this second film I ended up pleasantly surprised. S to wrap up it is not a masterpiece but I would happily watch it again and probably enjoy it for the throwaway nonsense that it is.

Verdict: 3/5

Film review: Seven Psychopaths

Colin Farrell is a writer and is struggling to come up with a new script idea. His mate Sam Rockwell likes to steal dogs with Christopher Walken and return them for rewards. One day they accidentally steal mob boss Woody Harrelsons dog and things start to kick themselves off. During this Sam is helping Colin to write his story about a variety of psychopaths whom we meet throughout the other dog stealing nonsense. This all culminates in violence and some such.

I have to admit that the premise of this film is mildly interesting at best and that being said I did not have brilliantly high expectations before pressing play on the DVD player. It starts in a pretty simple way but does not unfortunately remain in simplicity. It is not to say that the story is confusing at all but it is very bitty and flits between the psychopath stories with some involved in the main story and some seemingly just there to make up the numbers. The films 4 main characters are played by 4 of my favourite actors with Rockwell, Walken and Harrelsons on fine crazy form. Farrell is not bad but due to the nature of the story does not really have the breathing room within his character to really let himself go nuts. Rockwell is by far the best thing in this and clearly everyone concerned is having great fun it's just a shame we as the audience are not invited to join in to some of it. That isn't to say the film is dreadful but with a title like this you would expect something better than run of the mill.

Verdict: 2.5/5